Pet peeves

I know this isn’t related to my animal topic but the word pet is related to animals so I’m going to do it anyways.
  • When the teacher calls on you when you didn’t raise your hand. It’s like they say raise your hand but you don’t want to and they call on you anyways.
  • When someone says can I ask you something and then they don’t ask you. Like what’s the point of even asking them can I ask you something if you weren’t going to tell them.
  • When people talk over you when your talking. It’s like have some manners.
  • When people are making me run late. Like your making me late and I don’t like being late
  • When people leave their dog poop on the street. Like clean up after your dog.
  • When signs are misspelled. Your trying to have your business running but your first impression is your bad at spelling.
  • When people knock but don’t wait for a response and just barge in. It’s like then what’s the point of even knocking.
  • When people barge into your room without knocking. This is so annoying
  • People who don’t silence their phone during a movie. Like it literally tells you to silence it.
  • When my parents ask do you want to do this and they force you to do it even when you say no. Like what’s the point of even asking

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